InBody Test Procedure
InBody Test Procedure
We advise to not eat anything too heavy for 1-2 hours prior and to use the bathroom just prior to the test. It’s also advised not to train for 1-2 hours prior also. It will give you the most precise test to re-test comparison at the follow up scan.
You will receive a print out of your results as well as an interpretation guide book that explains all the numbers. We will also explain to you what everything on your sheet means.
The process for the scan is that clients remove shoes and socks. We give them an anti-bacterial wipe for their hands & feet. We measure their height, then they step onto the scanner for 2 minutes. The machine sends a low level electrical current through their body. Depending upon the speed of the current and which frequencies travel where in the body, it will tell how much muscle & fat is in each of your limbs & trunk.
This then provides total amounts of muscle & fat in kgs as well as body fat %.
It will also give an amount of visceral fat (dangerous fat), as well as bone mineral content (related to bone density), water balance levels to detect possible swelling or dehydration.
The main benefits are that clients will receive a suggested guideline as to how much muscle they may need to gain or fat they need to lose. The scanner will identify any muscular imbalances, or any specific areas where muscle may be lacking in general. They will find out visceral fat level which is hard to find out normally (unless you do a DEXA scan, or use a precise BIA machine like this one).
** The only people who cannot have a scan are pregnant ladies or anyone with a pacemaker inserted. **
** Please allow up to 20 minutes for your scan and explanation **